Friday, December 31, 2010
Crappy New Year
Ek is nie klinies depressief nie, ek is sinies depressief. haha
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ek's 'n MIER!!!!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nou voel ek weer beter
Monday, August 2, 2010
Haai Foeitog
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Negatiewe Motifering - sies vir my
So. Vanoggend 8 - 8:20 was ek in die water, 9 - 9:45 het ek my Denise gedoen (die USGIS rapporteer severele aardbewings van magnitude 1.5 in Bear Valley vir daardie tydperk...), 5 - 5:45 was ek en Lydia op die pad (sy in die stroller, ek al stotende agterna - die honde nie saam nie, Tasha het seervoet). Vir ontbyt het ek geweet ek gaan na Heidi toe en sy het altyd ietsie lekkers so ek het uitgehou tot daar en 'n klein skyfie Tiramisu geeet (sy het drie skywe gehad terwyl ek daar was). Middagete was leftovers van Maandagaand se Lensiebredie, en aandete is oorskiet groente van gisteraand. En 'n koppie koffie, want ek mag EEN koppie koffie per dag drink.
Arme Will is met Lydia in die kamer, sy's veronderstel om te slaap, maar ek kan hoor sy wil NIKS weet nie!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
O wel, hier gaat ons alweer
Die lig aan die einde van die tonnel is ons Disneyland trip in September en dat Will gesê het dat ek $100 kan kry om net op myself te blaas as ek my doel bereik het.
Dis al vir nou.
more animal sounds
Anyway. Hier's nog animal sounds wat sy maak wat ek nouie dag al opgeneem het maar nog nie kans gekry het om te post nie.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Die Ark
Die kerk crap is nogsteeds aan die gang. Annette is die worship Pastor se vrou en sy sê vir my voor sy loop dat hulle na Jeff se huis genooi is vir 'n vergadering maar dat hulle nie voel om te gaan nie, want omdat Jim op die kerk se bestuur is sal dit voel soos 'n conflict. Ek voel baie bly dat hulle vir Jim hulle ook genooi het want dit wys vir my hulle probeer nie iets onderduims of in die geheim doen nie. Ek het NIE vir Annette gesê ons is ook genooi nie, ek het net gesê ons is biddend vir die situasie.
Vandag voel ek weer beter as die afgelope paar dae.
Lekker slaap.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Not so chipper
so. there.
Went to church this morning, and it sucked. Well, not so much the message but more the atmosphere. How could an elder board just ask a pastor to resign without getting the members involved??? And the elder who did the announcements this morning says "This is a very sad and hard time for our church, right now" I say, so why did you make it so then...??? huh? HUH!!!!??? And where is the associate pastor? Surely he should step in and take on the roll of shepherd. I don't know, I'm angry and sad and upset and just generally sick that the Lord's Church here on earth is made up of people. ugh.
Friday, July 9, 2010
For your viewing pleasure...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Today I've learnt what a Korean Melon tastes like. Lovely. Like a cross between a cantaloupe and a cucumber. Refreshing.
Today I've learnt that no matter how hard I try I cannot keeps gnats out of our pool. I let all the water run out, I cleand the inside and the outside with antibacterial wipes, then I let put clean water in, and when I went out to turn off the hose, there they were SPLASHING AROUND IN MY SPARKLING CLEAN POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I've learnt what the Bear Valley Pool policy is on babies in the big pool (because I asked - revolutionary!). She is welcome in the pool as long as she is in a floatation device or securely in my arms - duh.
Today I've learnt what it would feel like if my husband came home from work at a normal time, like 4pm. It's fun, you get a lot more talking done.
Good night dear ones, I hope you read this and that it made you smile.
Long time no Blog!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Fourth of July
I'm on the fourth day of Lexapro and I feel okay. I'm experiencing almost all of the side effects. Not all at once, fortunately because then I'd be a lock jawed, fatigued, dry mouthed, confused, forgetful, manic, insomniac with a moer of a headache. haha. I guess it'll take a couple of days to know if it's going to work or not, and the side effects shold go away
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Two years ago I would have FREAKED....
Lessons Learnt
Nog Swem
Proper Pool
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Crafty Husband and a Bible Study BBQ
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Lessons Learnt
I've learnt that working with dough that has yeast in it on the warmest day of the year is not a great idea.
I've learnt that standing infront of the stove for an hour on the warmest day of the year is not a great idea.
Tomorrow we're off to Lancaster. Charlie is due for service, but first I have a doctors appointment for bloodwork at 8:45. The car's appointment is for 10:30. We'll go browse in Lowes while they're working on the car, then to Costco and then to ToysRUs. Then home. Our BBQ starts at 5 and I trust we'll be in time for that.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Today I've learnt that we have good neighbours. I already knew this but it is good to be reminded.
Today I've learnt that technology can make my far away family seem so much closer. I spoke with almost all of you this morning and still had time to do all I had to do today. Thank you God for allowing the internet!
Good Night dear ones, I love you and I hope you have a beautiful Sunday.
Celebration of Life
We have a black couple who live a few doors down from Cheryl, since they are not my immediate neighbours I have made no effort to get to know them. They are nice and we got to talking about this and that. I pitched my "I am also and African American" theory to them and they thought it was HILLARIOUS! I've never said that to any black person before because I don't want to offend them, but clearly these two thought it was very funny. I won't pitch it to just anybody though.
When we came home I mada a wonderful dinner and now Lydia's snoring away and we're watching Aeon Flux. Freaky weird futuristic movi with Charlize Theron. We've seen it befor, but it's worth re-watching. We do love our Sci-Fi.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Today Lydia has learnt to say "Yes" by nodding her head!
Today I've learnt that a five minute nap can be quite refreshing.
Today I've learnt that swimming gets a baby just as clean as bathing does.
Today I've learnt that I'm writing this more for myself than for anybody else and it is balm to my soul.
Good Night Dear Ones, I love you.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Wife Wishlist
A 8 x 10 rug for the living room $300
The Martha Steward Farm House Dining table, bench and 4 chairs $300
The Martha Steward Miramar Outdoor Living room $250
A wall unit for the living room ???
donations may be sent to:
29911 Spitinyouronehand Lane,
Wishintheother, Ca, 93561
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Today I learnt that my regular bouts of melancholy hugely bothers Will! So it'll be back to the doctor in two weeks time to get some more of them crazy pills. Oh well.
I learnt that saving money is not nearly as much fun as spending it. In fact, it sucks.
I learnt that I missed playing the guitar and singing much more than I realized so I'll start doing that more often again.
Good Night, dear ones, I love you and I miss you more than I could ever say.
Fathersday Fun
We had the funnest (is that a word) Fathersday. Will got a photobook from Lydia which he can take to work with him and brag about is Bobsie while he's at work. He loves it, and I'm happy because it took some doing fitting the making of it into my busy schedule. Then we went to the Home Depot where we just gawked at the new kitchens and pretty things which we can't afford. Will was going to get an air compressor but decided to rather save the 250 bucks for a rainy day. Sad for me because if he got the compressor I would get a rug for the living room, so in actual fact we saved closer to 500bucks! Yay. (ugh.) Then we came home and all of us took a 2 hour nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A momentous event since we haven't all napped together since Lydia was born! Then we had a barbecue and while waiting for the coals to get ready Will and Lydia played Nasstroller on the patio. (scroll down to look at both video's)