So kuier ek vandag by vriendin op dorp wie se naam ek nie hier kan noem nie, want partykeer kyk sy wat ek skryf. Sy's sooooooo rond op die oomblik met die babamagie, maar nie net dit nie, sy lyk so bietjie soos 'n bus van alle kante af. Nou vertel ek haar in kleur en geur soos net ek kan van my nuutgevonde (of hergevonde, eerder) gewigsverlies planne. Sy reken ek is heeltemal te laf, en dat as ek net eenkeer per dag met die honde gaan stap is dit heeltemal genoeg en dan kan ek maar eet net wat ek wil. Want sy beplan om na die baba gekom het net vir 'n halfuur in die oggend te gaan fietsry in die gym en dan kan sy gelukkig vir die res van die dag eet wat sy wil. Sy reken dis onrealisties om mens se eetpatroon ook aan te pas as mens reeds 'n strengoefen roetine volg. Sy sê dit nou nie, maar ek kan sommer sien sy dink ek is laf. Nou wil ek eers die ding doen sodat ek vir haar kan wys dat ek nie laf is nie en dat dit nie help om net te oefen nie, maar dat as mens 'n sekere punt van oorgewig bereik het KAN jy nie meer net eet wat jy wil nie, my MOET briekaandraai met die kos en oefen. Ek wil eers dit regkry, en dan sal ek vir haar vertel hoe ek dit gedoen het. So. Nou het ek dubbele motifering. Ek dink eintlik daar is bietjie van 'n ietsie wat die kos en haar kop aanbetref. Eenmal het iemand by ons bybelstudie groep aangebied dat ons vas oor 'n saak, en toe was sy skoon militaristies gekant teen vas. Kos is defnitief meer as 'n sekuriteitskombersie daar!
So. Vanoggend 8 - 8:20 was ek in die water, 9 - 9:45 het ek my Denise gedoen (die USGIS rapporteer severele aardbewings van magnitude 1.5 in Bear Valley vir daardie tydperk...), 5 - 5:45 was ek en Lydia op die pad (sy in die stroller, ek al stotende agterna - die honde nie saam nie, Tasha het seervoet). Vir ontbyt het ek geweet ek gaan na Heidi toe en sy het altyd ietsie lekkers so ek het uitgehou tot daar en 'n klein skyfie Tiramisu geeet (sy het drie skywe gehad terwyl ek daar was). Middagete was leftovers van Maandagaand se Lensiebredie, en aandete is oorskiet groente van gisteraand. En 'n koppie koffie, want ek mag EEN koppie koffie per dag drink.
Arme Will is met Lydia in die kamer, sy's veronderstel om te slaap, maar ek kan hoor sy wil NIKS weet nie!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
O wel, hier gaat ons alweer
Na my swembroekaanpasekskursie van Vrydag dog ek vandag ek beter maar oppie skaal klim en net kyk wat die skade is. Ons sal nou nie die gewraakte nommer hier neerskryf nie, maar suffice it to say dat ons van nou af na onsself moet verwys in die MEERVOUD! En ons bedoel nie die Royal Plural nie! Tot Willie sê ek is vet! Hy sê en ek haal direk aan "As ek nou moet sê dan dink ek dat jou bolyf en jou ''core" die meeste werk nodig het" Wat hy eintlik sê is ek het vet arms en 'n groot ronde boepmaag wat teen my bobene skuur wanneer ek loop!! Ek is so goed daarmee om tussen die lyne te lees wanneer mense met my praat. DUS, van more af (want hier's koek in die huis!) is dit weer ek en Tannie Denise. Willie het selfs aangebied om in die oggende vroeg na Lydia te kyk sodat ek kan gaan swem in die BV swembad. Hy het gesê, en ek haal direk aan, "Swem sal baie goeie oefening wees vir jou bo-arms en jou core, en ek sal met Lydia speel sodat jy kan gaan swem", wat hy eintlik gesê het is dat ek liefs nie oefening op land moet doen nie, want ons het reeds 'n klomp aardbewings gehad en dat ons nie die bure verder wil ontstel nie. Verder is alle suiker en stysel nou vir my verbode en ek beter maar sorg dat ek ten minste vier keer op 'n dag een of ander fisiese aktiwiteit doen. Wat my net lam maak is dat ek so gereeld van vooraf moet begin met hierdie storie , dit voel soos my oudste vrotste onderbroek wat ek maar net nie van kan ontslae raak nie. As ek by die laai kom is al die ander in die was en al wat daar is is die ou vrotte, dan moet ek hom maar weer aantrek. Ten minste dink ek die keer dis bietjie snaaks en wil ek nie my polse oop gaffel daaroor nie. Dis natuurlik hoeka alles die Lexapro se skuld, hierdie skielike verskriklike (en ek bedoel verskriklike) gewigstoename! Lexapro gee vir mens 'n eetlus en ek het die afgelope vier weke net geil gevreet alles wat voorkom. Ek moes elke aand die vet van die kalf van my bek afwas en die halwe skaap en hoender tussen my tande losflos voordat ek langs my maag kon gaan slaap. Nou ja, ek sal nou maar net bietjie selfbeheersing aan die dag moet lê.
Die lig aan die einde van die tonnel is ons Disneyland trip in September en dat Will gesê het dat ek $100 kan kry om net op myself te blaas as ek my doel bereik het.
Dis al vir nou.
Die lig aan die einde van die tonnel is ons Disneyland trip in September en dat Will gesê het dat ek $100 kan kry om net op myself te blaas as ek my doel bereik het.
Dis al vir nou.
more animal sounds
Hoekom doen ek hierdie ding in engels dink julle.... Ek het nou gaan terugkyk oor my posts en sien dat net een in Afrikaans is sover. Seker omdat ek die eerste een in engels gedoen het het ek maar net op daai trant voort gegaan.
Anyway. Hier's nog animal sounds wat sy maak wat ek nouie dag al opgeneem het maar nog nie kans gekry het om te post nie.
Anyway. Hier's nog animal sounds wat sy maak wat ek nouie dag al opgeneem het maar nog nie kans gekry het om te post nie.
We had a fun, fun, VBS week. Here are some Pictures of the decorations. The kids loved the songs and the moves, and I loved teaching them. Today we did our songs in church for the congregation, unfortunately only 8 kinds showed up, because a whole bunch of people left our church due to recent troubles. Well, me and my 8 kids and Lydia had fun.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Die Ark
Die ark was oop hier vandag. Eers was ek buite om die swembad leeg te maak en te was, toe kom my vriendin Michelle vir my loer oor die heining met 'n tamatie plantjie vir my. Sy het klomp tamatjie saadjies geplant en almal het opgekom, nou sit sy met omtrent 30 tamatie plantjies so sy deel vir almal uit. Lekker! Toe kuier ons eers bietjie. Toe kom Annette hier aan om te oefen vir VBS, ons het heerlik geoefen en gelag vir mekaar met die bewegings en stuff. Dis nogal baie snaaks as een vet spook en 'n ou spook probeer om kinder bewegings te maak. Lydia het gedink dis snaaks ten minste. Terwyl sy hier was daag die Jehova geguies hier op om ons uit te nooi na hulle saamtrek in Bakersfield die naweek. Ek groet hulle so by die deur "Good Morning, what a wonderful day the Lord is blessing us with!" En so haal mens die wind uit 'n jehova getuie se seile uit! Hulle kon nie gou genoeg hier wegkom nie. hehehe. Toe daag Trish hier op en saam met haar kom hier 'n ou aan van SoCal Edison om ons te vertel van 'n survey wat hulle doen en dat hulle oor so paar uur die back yard gaan nodig he. Ek en Trish het heeldag gekuier (soos in letterlik) sy is eers 6 uur hier weg. Intussen is SoCal Edison hier in en uit, mense van die kerk is in en uit om VBS goed op te tel en die honde raak mal! Dit was 'n heerlike dag all together!
Die kerk crap is nogsteeds aan die gang. Annette is die worship Pastor se vrou en sy sê vir my voor sy loop dat hulle na Jeff se huis genooi is vir 'n vergadering maar dat hulle nie voel om te gaan nie, want omdat Jim op die kerk se bestuur is sal dit voel soos 'n conflict. Ek voel baie bly dat hulle vir Jim hulle ook genooi het want dit wys vir my hulle probeer nie iets onderduims of in die geheim doen nie. Ek het NIE vir Annette gesê ons is ook genooi nie, ek het net gesê ons is biddend vir die situasie.
Vandag voel ek weer beter as die afgelope paar dae.
Lekker slaap.
Die kerk crap is nogsteeds aan die gang. Annette is die worship Pastor se vrou en sy sê vir my voor sy loop dat hulle na Jeff se huis genooi is vir 'n vergadering maar dat hulle nie voel om te gaan nie, want omdat Jim op die kerk se bestuur is sal dit voel soos 'n conflict. Ek voel baie bly dat hulle vir Jim hulle ook genooi het want dit wys vir my hulle probeer nie iets onderduims of in die geheim doen nie. Ek het NIE vir Annette gesê ons is ook genooi nie, ek het net gesê ons is biddend vir die situasie.
Vandag voel ek weer beter as die afgelope paar dae.
Lekker slaap.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Not so chipper
I am still upset abou tour church. And I am tired and feel generally grumpy.
so. there.
so. there.
Nothing new to report. We have a garage full of people working on the final touches for the VBS set. It looks great. Will's ingenuity (sp??) never ceases to amaze me.
Went to church this morning, and it sucked. Well, not so much the message but more the atmosphere. How could an elder board just ask a pastor to resign without getting the members involved??? And the elder who did the announcements this morning says "This is a very sad and hard time for our church, right now" I say, so why did you make it so then...??? huh? HUH!!!!??? And where is the associate pastor? Surely he should step in and take on the roll of shepherd. I don't know, I'm angry and sad and upset and just generally sick that the Lord's Church here on earth is made up of people. ugh.
Went to church this morning, and it sucked. Well, not so much the message but more the atmosphere. How could an elder board just ask a pastor to resign without getting the members involved??? And the elder who did the announcements this morning says "This is a very sad and hard time for our church, right now" I say, so why did you make it so then...??? huh? HUH!!!!??? And where is the associate pastor? Surely he should step in and take on the roll of shepherd. I don't know, I'm angry and sad and upset and just generally sick that the Lord's Church here on earth is made up of people. ugh.
Friday, July 9, 2010
For your viewing pleasure...
Here's another dance video. This one taken on July 4th. She's dancing to some or other Country and Western tune.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lessons Learnt
Today I've learnt that Tehachapi has a very fun Farmers Market every Thursday in the summer. I knew about the event for a while but never thought to go, we went today because we picked the car up from Scotts auto body and they are right there, so we went. How FUN!!! Saw tons of people we knew, bought Tehachaberry pie, bought Bratwurst dogs (the bread sucked, but the wurst was wunderful). I won't go like every Thursday - that would get old fast, but when you guys come for a visit we should definately go.
Today I've learnt what a Korean Melon tastes like. Lovely. Like a cross between a cantaloupe and a cucumber. Refreshing.
Today I've learnt that no matter how hard I try I cannot keeps gnats out of our pool. I let all the water run out, I cleand the inside and the outside with antibacterial wipes, then I let put clean water in, and when I went out to turn off the hose, there they were SPLASHING AROUND IN MY SPARKLING CLEAN POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I've learnt what the Bear Valley Pool policy is on babies in the big pool (because I asked - revolutionary!). She is welcome in the pool as long as she is in a floatation device or securely in my arms - duh.
Today I've learnt what it would feel like if my husband came home from work at a normal time, like 4pm. It's fun, you get a lot more talking done.
Good night dear ones, I hope you read this and that it made you smile.
Today I've learnt what a Korean Melon tastes like. Lovely. Like a cross between a cantaloupe and a cucumber. Refreshing.
Today I've learnt that no matter how hard I try I cannot keeps gnats out of our pool. I let all the water run out, I cleand the inside and the outside with antibacterial wipes, then I let put clean water in, and when I went out to turn off the hose, there they were SPLASHING AROUND IN MY SPARKLING CLEAN POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I've learnt what the Bear Valley Pool policy is on babies in the big pool (because I asked - revolutionary!). She is welcome in the pool as long as she is in a floatation device or securely in my arms - duh.
Today I've learnt what it would feel like if my husband came home from work at a normal time, like 4pm. It's fun, you get a lot more talking done.
Good night dear ones, I hope you read this and that it made you smile.
Long time no Blog!!!
We have had a busy couple of days since July 4th. I can't exactly say why, just stuff! Yesterday I sold some of Lydia's old clothes at the local secondhand clothing store and got 50 bucks for it!!! How cool! It was the first time in my life I've left town with more money in my pocket than before I went.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Fourth of July
We had a fun, fun day as you can see from the pic's. Lydia thought the hot air balloons were the funniest thing ever. She jumped up and down on my bed, pointing at them and laughing her diaper off! Then we went over to Cub Lake to watch the parade where she only smiled at the animals whenever a person waved at her she frowned at them. Then we took her over to the petting zoo where we had all kinds of fun with all kinds of weird and wonderful farm animals. The sheep and the alpacas seemed to be her favourite, but then she loooved the wooden horse too. Then we took a tractor hey ride with her friend Kurt and his Mom and Dad. By that time my memory card was full, so Michelle will send me a picture she took of us on the tractor.
I'm on the fourth day of Lexapro and I feel okay. I'm experiencing almost all of the side effects. Not all at once, fortunately because then I'd be a lock jawed, fatigued, dry mouthed, confused, forgetful, manic, insomniac with a moer of a headache. haha. I guess it'll take a couple of days to know if it's going to work or not, and the side effects shold go away
I'm on the fourth day of Lexapro and I feel okay. I'm experiencing almost all of the side effects. Not all at once, fortunately because then I'd be a lock jawed, fatigued, dry mouthed, confused, forgetful, manic, insomniac with a moer of a headache. haha. I guess it'll take a couple of days to know if it's going to work or not, and the side effects shold go away
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Two years ago I would have FREAKED....
Lydia got hold of a piece of chalk which I left lying around after we drew with chalk on the cement on the patio. She discovered that the dark brown paint works just like chalk board, and so she drew on it. And why not, I ask you! All it takes is just a damp cloth and it is good as new. Yes, she drew the dog.... NOT!!! It looked like so much fun, I joined in.
Lessons Learnt
Today I have learnt that I have Major Depressive Disorder with General Anxiety Disorder. I know it sounds weird, but in a way I am very happy about my doctors visit today. It turns out what I have is an actual THING. Jippie!!? It wasn't even hard for me to explain to her what I feel and when I was half way explaining she started asking very accurate questions. What makes me "happy" is the fact that the diagnosis she made is exactly what Will said he thought I had and she prescribed the same medication Will would have suggested, and I spoke to them completely seperately. That makes me feel that I wasn't imagining things and that I don't change my story from one discussion to the next. In a way that was comforting. So. Now I am on the lowest dose of (and now I have to get up and go get the freakin' box because I forgot the name!!) Lexapro. In two weeks time I have to go back for bloodwork to see how its absorption (sp...?) is working out and also to talk about how I feel on it, then she'll decide to adjust the dose or not. Then she'll also give me names of therapists because of course the drugs works beter in conjunction with therapy. I told her I'm not fond of the idea of therapy because of the language thing, but I guess I'll give it a try. In the mean time she suggested I write. I don't have time to keep a journal and blog, so you guys are just going to have to hang in there with me, because this is going to be "Lexa-Log" as well as my blog. So there.
Nog Swem
Vandag het ek bietjie saam met Pappa geswem terwyl Mamma vir ons lekker kossies gemaak het. Kyk hoe lekker GLYYYYYYY ek met my glyplank af! Ek het vandag 'n heel paar keer sommer self my kop onder die water ingedruk net omdat ek dink dis lekker wanneer die water in my neus inloop!
Proper Pool
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