Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lessons Learnt

So. Here's the idea. At the end of the day if I have time and strength, I will try to recount what I've learnt that day. Some wise dude once said that when we stop learning we die, and since I'm still alive, here goes:
Today I've learnt that my 17 month old has the emotional intelligence of a pea and it is therefor up to me to keep the emotions in this house intact. If I cry when she cries, the walls come down, the roof gives in , the carpets roll themselves up, the puppies grow mustaches and we all end up in Neverland!
Today I've learnt what a 4.3 (the last rumour has it at a 4.3) quake feels like right under my couch. The puppies went beserk, but I kind of liked it.
Today I've learnt that I CANNOT load a video file of 124 meg on my blog - it'll take two days to load, so I have to find a way to make my videos smaller.
Today I've learnt that going to bed with dirty feet is NOT the end of civilization as I know it.
I love you dear ones, I hope you read this and that it makes you smile.

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